Bubblegum Strain Original price was: $238.00.Current price is: $230.00.
Cheese Original price was: $255.00.Current price is: $230.00.

$230 / Ounce

$662 / Quarter Pound

$800 / Half Pound

$1400 / Pound

Candyland, a gold medalist of the 2012 KushCon, is a sativa-dominant hybrid bred from Granddaddy Purple and Bay Platinum Cookies. Golden hairs weave through Candyland’s thick coat of sugar-like trichomes and highlight the compact, camouflage-colored buds. This strain grows well indoors and out, and patients turn to Candyland when trying to moderate pain, muscle tension, and sour moods. Candyland offers uplifting and stimulating effects, making it a perfect strain for social gatherings or creative pastimes.

In Stock

Original price was: $240.00.Current price is: $233.00.


Candyland, a product of the San Francisco Bay Area in California, is a Sativa-dominant strain that was a cross between the infamous Grand Daddy Purple strain (aka Grand Daddy Purps) and a Bay Area Platinum Cookies strain. It was originally bred by Ken Estes who was part of the team that bred the original Grand Daddy Purple. Candyland buds are small and dense with a slightly darker shade of green than your typical bright green Sativa strain.

Its trichomes are plentiful when grown properly, looking as if the bud could have been dipped in sugar. The red hairs are a dull red but run longer than normal, almost making the buds look fuzzy from a distance.

When smoking this strain expect a very earthy flavor with hints of sweets and spices. Its effects lean towards it’s Sativa properties making it a mentally stimulating strain with little to no body effects when smoked in smaller doses.


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